I've been sleep deprived but managed to get distracted from a nap long enough to take these today.
I think this is one of the best photos that I've taken in quite some time. I love the expression on his face so much. I also love that despite his face is partially covered up, you can still see that he's a rather beautiful baby. Yeah, ism's, I said a baby boy is beautiful. Boom.
They're both such good sports about me following them around with my camera. It's so heartwarming to see such an attentive father. I'm looking forward to the pictures of these two that the future brings.
Sneaky little bugger stole a juice box from the recycling bin. I can assure you that it was probably mine and if that's the case,
there's nothing left in there. Seriously. Apple juice rocks. That squirrel has good taste.
My friend
Aaron lent me this wicked lens and because of it, I was able to get the previous three photos without getting anywhere near those squirrels.